Below there are links to the students hotels of our University:

The Student Hostel "Za Kolumnami" or "Krakowiak"

guests room
double room 152 PLN* / 110 PLN**- all cheaper room have been booked
single room 99 PLN* / 80 PLN** - all cheaper room have been booked

students room
double room 75 PLN* /69.50**
single room 60 PLN* /55,60**

All rooms available in internal accounting (cheaper due to without VAT) have been booked

* - VAT included

** - without VAT ,only if accommodation payment made with conference fee

The Student Hostel "Olimp"

rooms 2+2+bathroom, middle standard, price 40PLN

The Student Hostel "Filutek"

Low standard / low cost (approx. 30PLN per person, doube/tripple room only, common bathroom for 3+3+2+2)

Current average exchange rates of foreign currencies in zlotys (BUY column)

For reservation and more specific questions please sent email to: